How to Become a Better Parent Through Technology

Written by Jonathan ZalesneTechnology has proven to have its ups and downs. If you’re a parent, you’ve probably seen countless articles and heard plenty of news stories about how technology is harmful to your kids and family.You undoubtedly have days where you wish you could unplug everything. But, as a parent, there are some aspects of technology that can genuinely help you to be better.That doesn’t just mean using the latest tech tools to teach your kids something new. Technology can help you to be a better parent to your children, but it can also provide you with the tools and [...]

By |2024-10-10T19:46:26+00:00May 22nd, 2020|Family Therapy|

Looking for Love Online? – 6 Pros & Cons of Digital Dating

Written by Jonathan Zalesne What a time to be alive! A few clicks and a swipe and you’ve found true love — or at least, true lust? Digital dating is not some passing phase. Studies show that at least one-fifth of Internet users have tried a dating app. The concept is entrenched already and the results, well…the results are mixed. Like anything that deals with affairs of the heart, there are pros and cons. 6 Cons of Digital Dating 1. Deception The truth is out there…but where? Digital profiles leave plenty of room for, um, improvisation? Age, height, weight, relationship [...]

By |2024-10-10T19:50:35+00:00May 22nd, 2020|Individual Therapy|

Sex Addiction: How Recovery Groups Can Be Valuable Resources

Written by Jonathan ZalesneWhen you feel as though your sexual thoughts or behaviors are out of control, it’s time to seek help. Recovery is often a long process, and it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when you believe you have to go through it alone.The good news is that sex addiction is treatable. Recovery can occur when you acknowledge that you have a problem and need help.While things like therapy and some outpatient services can be helpful, recovery groups serve as a significant resource for sex addicts, as well.Let’s find out why they’re so beneficial.Anonymous Groups Provide a Safe SpacePlenty of [...]

By |2024-10-10T19:53:37+00:00May 22nd, 2020|Individual Therapy|

Why Premarital Counseling?

Written by: Jonathan Zalesne I was talking to a friend recently about our practice and I mentioned that we offer premarital counseling. They were surprised and asked why couples would need to come to therapy if they were just starting out and did not experience any issues or problems. This led to me to think that this might be a question from other people, our clients included. So, in typical therapist fashion, I’m going to answer this question with additional questions: Is your relationship in peak condition? Many couples feel ready to get married about two to three years into their [...]

By |2024-10-10T19:56:15+00:00April 21st, 2020|Premarital Therapy|

A Relationship Guide to Quarantine

Written by: Jonathan Zalesne One of my friends shared a tweet with me yesterday and, although I can’t remember the exact wording, I believe it went something like this: I long for the days when my work wife and my wife wife were different people. Humor aside, it feels important to name that we are experiencing our relationships in a new way as a result of either being in close quarters or worrying about our working partners in whole new ways. Increased proximity and/or increased distance and uncertainty can strain relationships. The pandemic has added a level of stress to our [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:00:18+00:00April 16th, 2020|Individual Therapy|

How to Connect While We Distance

Written by: Jonathan Zalesne It’s no secret that in times of stress we turn those closest to us for comfort. What is perhaps different these days is how close those people are. With social distancing and stay-at-home regulations, we are in uncharted territory when it comes to connecting. Some people that we used to spend the majority of our days with can only be accessed through a screen, and some people we only used to see right as we woke up or right before bed are now in the next room 24/7 (or the same room--shout out to all my people [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:03:47+00:00April 15th, 2020|Couples Counseling|

Do you provide couples counseling for same-sex and transgender couples?

Written by Jonathan Zalesne In a word – absolutely! I absolutely love providing couples counseling for same-sex and transgender couples. And it surprises me how many couples therapists out there either don’t want to, or don’t feel qualified to work with the LGBT community. One of the things I love about Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and attachment theory (in which EFT is largely rooted), is that it provides great latitude for therapists to work with whatever unique issues a couple brings into the therapy room. But EFT and attachment theory also recognize that the underlying causes of a couple’s distress [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:05:55+00:00March 3rd, 2015|Couples Counseling|

HELP! My Husband Doesn’t Want to Have Sex

Written by Jonathan Zalesne What does it mean if my husband doesn't want to have sex? Is there something wrong with him? Is there something wrong with me? The answer to both is... Probably not! However, if you came to see me in in my couples practice, my first question would be "what do you mean when you say he doesn't want sex?" The Higher Desire Partner Do you mean he doesn't want sex as often as you do? If this is the case, it's not surprising. Generally, in most healthy relationships, one partner is the “higher desire” partner who wants [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:14:09+00:00March 6th, 2014|Couples Counseling|

Blending families: A Merger, Not a Hostile-Takeover

Written by Jonathan Zalesne Blending two families can be both challenging and rewarding. You might be facing questions like, “How do I parent my new partner’s kids?” or “How do I support my children through this transition?” Here are a few strategies that have proved successful in my work with couples and families as they navigate this process. Tread lightly when entering into a family with children. Just as a biological parenting relationship grows over time, a step-parenting relationship must grow over time as well. Don’t try to rush it. The more naturally you allow your relationship with your new or [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:11:15+00:00January 1st, 2014|Family Therapy|

Emotional Affairs. Everyone needs friends, right?

Written by Jonathan Zalesne When is a friend not just a friend? When can a “friendship” be threatening to a marriage? Most people think of an affair as having sex with someone outside of your marriage. More and more attention, however, is now being paid to “emotional affairs” that are not overtly sexual, but are still potentially damaging to your marriage. What is An "Emotional Affair?" Defining an emotional affair can be tricky. Here are some indicators that your “friendship” might not be as innocent as you think. Do you keep the details of your friendship secret from your partner? [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:22:03+00:00December 15th, 2013|Couples Counseling|


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