Should you Stay Together for the Kids?

Written by Jonathan Zalesne This question is almost guaranteed to be pondered by every parent with children who is contemplating divorce. Don't think that just because you try to "stick it out" for the kids that they will be happier. If you can't figure out how to have a happy house, it's not best for anybody. Kids know and feel the energy around them. Even if you aren't fighting, your child can feel the tension. What messes kids up is not feeling safe with their parents and not having a sense of security -- in or out of the context [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:19:13+00:00November 30th, 2013|Couples Counseling|

Choosing a Marriage Counselor: Top Guidelines

Written by Jonathan Zalesne Choosing a marriage counselor who is right for you and your partner is the first critical step in resolving issues within your relationship. The best way to start is by interviewing therapists who have the potential to be a good fit. Always interview first, before beginning a therapeutic relationship. If the counselor you contact does not consent to an interview, consider that a red flag! You might have to pay for it, but schedule this first session and then decide later whether or not to continue. Do both you and your partner like the therapist as a [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:21:21+00:00November 15th, 2013|Couples Counseling|

Wired from Birth to Connect – The Still Face Experiment

Written by Jonathan Zalesne"Love is everything it is cracked up to be. It is really worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, your risk is even greater." - Erica Jong The most damaging myth in American culture today is that we must be independent to be happy and healthy; that needing others is a sign of weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the opposite is true. We are wired from birth to need each other, and love is the mechanism by which we connect. To [...]

By |2024-10-10T20:22:42+00:00August 12th, 2013|Couples Counseling, Individual Therapy|


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